Who are we?

Who are we?

We are Raymond and Auke Scipio from SCIPIO Real Estate Styling. Our mutual interest and years of experience in (re)styling our own homes have contributed to our decision to start a company in real estate styling. In addition to real estate styling, we also enjoy interior styling and renovating homes is one of our occupations, but real estate styling is our main activity. We have divided the roles somewhat: Raymond is in charge of real estate styling, real estate and interior photography and home improvement. Auke does the real estate styling, but interior styling is also her passion. 

We have completed our real estate styling training at House of KiKi. We are certified House of KiKi real estate stylists. We are affiliated to the Central Network for Sales Stylists (CNVV), thus guaranteeing quality and continuity. We focus on the property and all focal points in the home (rather than the interior).

Our motto is: Style to Sell

Curious? Take a look at our photos and other information on this website. Maybe we can mean something to you if you want to sell your house fast against the highest possible selling price. Who doesn't want that... ?